Alyssa & Jake’s engagement session was just the pick-me-up this photographer needed. To be honest, I’ve really been missing my job. This time of year I am typically flooded with editing from summer weddings & my camera bag hasn’t been unpacked in months because I am always on the go for sessions. Sadly, because of […]


alyssa + jake | engaged

September 3, 2020


If I had to sum up Mary Rose & Tyler’s wedding day with one word it would be “love”. Now, I know that sounds cliche but love was everywhere I looked on that hot July day. I saw it in the way Mary’s sisters encircled her to help her finish her makeup & I saw it […]


mary rose + tyler

August 5, 2020


    As soon as Maddison reached the end of the aisle where her groom, Trevor, was waiting for her, I watched as the two locked eyes & mouthed “I love you” to one another, their eyes each gleaming with joy. I always find it incredible to observe moments like this with my couples, but […]


maddison + trevor

July 23, 2020


  It’s 5:45am & the sun is just rising over our beautiful city. While they don’t happen often, I love sunrise sessions & I am particularly excited for this one because it is the first time I get to meet Emma & John face-to-face. But as soon as I begin to greet my couple, we […]


emma + john | engaged

July 21, 2020


Let me just say: I am THRILLED to be blowing the dust off of this blog with a new post! Last week I met up with Jenna & Greg for the first engagement session I’ve photographed since March. It feels so good to not only be photographing again, but to be with my couples. What’s […]


jenna + greg | engaged

June 11, 2020


Something I never thought I would say: it feels so good to be blogging again! I would never consider myself much of a writer, but I love that I finally have something new to share with all of you. With wedding season just around the corner, Kaitlyn & Patrick were a breath of fresh air […]


kaitlyn + patrick | engaged

March 19, 2020


I looked forward to Shannon & Sam’s wedding day for so long. It wasn’t because it was my last wedding of 2019 or because of the incredible vendor team I was a part of. I was so excited for this day because I couldn’t wait to play a part in Shannon & Sam’s love story. […]


shannon + sam

November 14, 2019


I have this theory: awkward couples don’t exist. No really. I don’t believe there is such a thing as an awkward couple. You & your significant other are exactly who you are supposed to be—together & individually. In fact, often times, it’s the quirks that I believe make you two so perfect. When Courtney & […]


courtney + danny | engaged

October 31, 2019


Katrina & Mark’s wedding day was the cherry on top of an incredible stretch of fall weddings! From the moment we arrived, there was a sense of peace embodied by contagious joy—the look on Mark’s face when he saw his bride for the first time says it all. I don’t think I will ever forget […]


katrina + mark

October 24, 2019


Would you have guessed this session happened at sunrise & it was so cold you could see your own breath? Honestly, Elissa & Grant were a dream to photograph & I loved spending my Saturday morning with them. Just from our short time together, it is so evident how deeply they care for one another…even […]


elissa + grant | engaged

October 21, 2019