If you live in central Illinois, you can attest to how cold it was on Saturday. I mean, we’re talking wind that immediately triggers tears running down your cheeks & chilling temperatures that turn your nose & ears the color of tomatoes. Well, I couldn’t have picked a better couple to “hang out” with in those crazy conditions! Ashley & Ryan admitted to being cold, but never once hurried me or complained. In fact, I think we laughed more because of it. Besides, it gave them an excuse to cuddle even closer!
As 2017 comes to an end & I look toward all that 2018 has for me, my heart overflows with gratitude. Thank you for coming along side me & being a fan! One more wedding for this year & I can close the books. But first, I intend to take some time off to rest, enjoy my sweet family & bask in the goodness of this season. Cheers!