To all my photography friends around the area—we survived October! Personally, this is a big deal. Not only did I survive October, but Baby Anderson didn’t come early like I feared (first time mom problems, I know)! As I’ve been grinding these past few weeks to finish all the editing that has piled up, I cannot help but be grateful for ALL the people who trust me to document their lives. I know I say this all the time when it comes to weddings, but I seriously have the best job that allows me to work with the coolest people. The truth is, I love people—I hope that is something that pours out of me whether I am wrangling a bridal party or helping a sweet little boy find his natural smile.
I am excited to share these images from my time with the Russell family. This was my last official session of 2016 & I loved every second of the beautiful, crisp fall evening we had. With my due date less than two weeks away, the anticipation is killing me—I cannot wait to meet our son! I must say, thank you to everyone for being patient with me & for understanding when I’ve turned you away. I’m looking forward to working with you all in the new year. Bring on the next chapter!

russell | family

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