Growing up as the middle child sandwiched by the January birthdays of my siblings meant June was all about ME! I never had to go to school on my birthday & my birthday parties always called for something that involved a swimsuit. Over the years, my family & friends began to joke about my birthday pre-game (1 week prior) & birthday post-game (1 week following) as “holidays” too—it’s no secret, I love my birthday!

But, I have a confession to make: there is a secret I’ve been keeping from all of you. In honor of my birthday today, it’s time I tell you about one of the best gifts I’ve ever been blessed with…

Ryan & I are going to be parents!!
While you could say we started our parenting journey back when Penelope the Bobtail joined our family, come November, I will officially wear the title of “Mama Bear” as we welcome our little one into the world. Crazy, right?! It has been quite the adventure so far & I am so thankful for the love & support Ryan has shown me every step of the way. In fact, he brought me Chick-Fil-A breakfast in bed this morning—he loves me so much & will be an incredible dad!
Today I am 16 weeks along (get this—16 weeks on 06-06-16) & I am feeling great! Next month we will find out if we’re having a boy or a girl, &, apart from the unusual cravings for hot dogs & sour gummy worms, finding out the gender will make things far more real. While we are swimming in the emotions of excitement & fear at the same time, we are overjoyed & love this baby so much already. 

This fall is going to be busy as we prep for his/her arrival while finishing out our wedding season. I will be working steadily through September, but, aside from weddings in October, I will be doing a lot of resting, feet-elevating, & editing in order to (hopefully) be all caught up by the time baby comes. Thank you in advance for your support, love & patience!
Check back next week for the next announcement! No, we are not having twins (hah!).

change is good: part 2

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  1. Vicki Craig says:

    Congratulations to you both, we are so excited for you! Sam and Vicki Craig.

  2. Karen L. says:

    Wonderful news! So happy for you both!